We Love
Simmentals have the best attributes of their Swiss heritage, and after many generations on our land, their own distinctly Kiwi signature. Swiss punctuality, efficiency and frugality mixed with a hard-working, rugged, no-nonsense Kiwi attitude.
They’re the new generation – consistently performing and completely trustworthy. Like many Kiwi heroes, they may be a little rough around the edges and they aren’t going to give you an eloquent post-match interview. But like a reliable farm hand, they don’t need pampering – they just get on with the job and get it done faster and more efficiently than the competition.
The introduction of Simmental genetics into your system will increase productivity and boost your bottom line. You’ll love them as much as we do.
Heavier and
earlier finishing
First cross Simmentals
gain weight rapidly
and finish heavier than
other breeds, earlier.
10% gain from Simmental cross
(30kg extra from a 300kg Angus)
= $6,750 extra per season
(based on premium of $135/carcass, 50 progeny per season).
Highly muscled Simmental
cross produces higher yields
of saleable beef.
Extra 18kg from a 600kg
live weight steer
= $4,050 extra per season
(based on premium of $81/animal, 50 progeny per season).
productive breeding
Simmental cross females reach puberty early and enjoy long reproductive lives.
Milk and mothering ability are
important traits in replacement
females. Simmental cross females excel
in these traits, further boosting the
weaning weight of their progeny.
15% increase in calf weight
weaned per cow mated from
Simmental over Angus
= $4,700 extra per season
(based on premium of $94/calf, 50 progeny per season).