Case study





  • East of Matawai, Gisborne



  • Second generation farm, in the family since 1973.
  • Sheep and beef farm running 3700 ewes, 150 in calf cows plus a mixture of steers and bulls.
  • Majority of the bulls are sent to slaughter at 18 months old, up until recently has been retaining replacement heifers, with heifers sent to slaughter at 2.5 years.


  • Simmental bulls have been used on Aerial station since 2013.
  • Until recently, Fraser’s herd had evolved to be predominantly Simmental.
  • He is in the process of transitioning to a terminal herd, with Angus cows and Simmental bulls. Will buy in replacements.
  • Has always valued the Simmental bulls for their even temperament and high growth rates.


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  • Under the previous model with predominantly Simmental herd, despite the very challenging terrain Fraser’s cows always scanned really well – typically between 90-100 percent success rate.
  • Using Simmental bulls in their operation has enabled consistent results – producing 300 plus kg weaners for sale each year.
  • Exceptional growth rates in progeny – on average weans at 230-250kg and sends to slaughter at 550kg plus (18 months).
  • Hopeful the new hybrid vigour (through Angus/Simmental X) coupled with outstanding growth rates of Simmental will enable him to get bulls up to weight even faster, meaning he won’t have to carry them too far into the Autumn.


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