Take a read of our August 2023 Newsletter here.
Take a read of our August 2023 Newsletter here.
Our 2023 bull sale calendars are here!
A Simmental heifer gained massive media attention 50 years ago when it was guided into the lift at a Christchurch hotel and transported to the top floor to be sold at a swanky auction event. The publicity stunt worked, and the heifer was reputedly sold at a world record price for Simmental cattle of $47,500 … Read more
Simmental 2022 marked the 7th year Simmental was represented in the Beef+Lamb Genetics Progeny Test and the latest data doesn’t disappoint. Building on the consistency of results that Simmental have dominated, this trend continued with the latest crop. In terms of growth rates, Simmental ranked highly taking half or 5 of the top 10 spots … Read more